I’m a goal setter. I love to think of, plan and orchestrate a well-designed goal. It’s a beautiful thing, the coordinated effort. A famous line from the A-team’s John “Hannibal” Smith, “I love it when a plan comes together”. Me too! Long-term, short-term, financial, career, dinner… it doesn’t matter. My mind functions best when I can work out and solve a problem. This helps me deal with the stresses of life. Problem, solution, execution. Simple and to the point. It’s a benefit, yet a curse.
About 10 years ago, we planned a trip to Disney World with our two daughters (our third daughter was not born yet), ages 8 and 6. Being the organized, some would call obsessive person that I am, I planned the entire trip. Down to the hour. Where we would eat, travel time, and I even factored in possible drive delays to and from the various parks. I even penciled in “fun” for the trip. We were ready.