A few things you should know before reading this post. 1) Being parents of three daughters, the hubs and I have a house rule for our girls - no alone time with boys... ever! This is like the Eleventh Commandment. [Thou shalt not canoodle alone with boys because they are icky] - see icky boy post. 2) I have very smart daughters who almost always, usually sometimes make good decisions. This time does not count.
As you know, I’m vying for Mom of the Year, until when this conversation took place via text.
Daughter: Last night, I was asked to watch a movie with A tonight after work. A is a clever representation of said icky boy.
Me: Who’s A? A movie theater or video, when, where? Gathering intel, see... mom of the year.
Daughter: Friend from work. His house. Video, no theater, no one else over. Ugh!
Me: So let me get this straight, you wanna go to a guys house. Alone? At this point, the shooting pain begins in my right temple.
Daughter: Ya. Double,Ugh!
Me: I would prefer not alone. And what I mean by prefer is no.
Daughter: He lives alone. As far as I know he only invited me over. He may have invited a few friends too, but I don’t know for sure. Really, he lives alone? You mean like a serial killer?
Me: Well, you need to find out. I know you wanna go, but you know how I feel about alone time with boys. Sorta like how I feel about cutting off my own toe or watching the Lifetime network. Not good.