Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Zombies, Tigers and Cinderella... yea. I'd go see that movie.

Hey folks. Had a minor medical procedure recently so I took another break. The doctor says I will stop repeating myself in a few weeks!   I’m good.  I’m back and feeling better (sassy), so I thought I would do some bloggin’.  Did ya miss me?  Anyone? Anyone?  (crickets chirping).  Well, ok then, haters…. 
I had a post written up about my pet peeves with Facebook. Consisting of 10 – 20 A LOT of different ways people annoy me on Facebook.  Which really just boils down to I’m not patient and kinda hateful.  So I won’t go there.  Between the hateful and the repeated mumblings, I’m a few cats shy of crazy cat lady status.  However I will say something.  People…Those of us who are working don’t want to know that you are off work relaxing.  We want to Facebook stalk people from high school from the comfort of our offices.  Under the assumption that everyone else had to get up super early, spill coffee on their lap on the way in, and were late because of a train.  NO ONE wants to know that you are home, doing your Facebook stalking in your jammies.  Makes me stabby. 
That being said…. Please go like my Facebook page!!!!!!!
The Dr. says I’ll stop repeating myself in a few weeks. I think I want a cat.
Then I thought about writing a post on the elections.  But honestly, that’s so cliché right now.  Bottom line, all the ads make me feel stabby.  I really want them to stop talking.  Here’s a thought.  Vote Gladiator style.  Make the candidates fight for office.  Throw them some weapons like those big swords and harpoon things.  Oh… I love those metal nets… gotta have those.  Add in some hungry lions and tigers.  Maybe a puma.  I would so totally watch a debate between the candidates and a couple of hungry jungle cats. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Why we can't have nice things....

Me: Can we get a comforter with skulls on it?
Hubs: No
Me: Just look at it.  They are arranged very nicely. Almost a flower pattern.
Hubs: No
Me: Oh, come on.  Don’t be racist… just because they don’t have flesh!
Hubs: (cricket chirping silence….)
Me: We should set a good example for the kids.